01/20 @ 8:00 am - 03/31 @ 5:00 pm
As the snow and ice melt we are asking the public to report any potholes that they see on the City roads. Working with the public to help us identify potholes speeds up the process and allows us to make repairs in a more timely fashion.
The Street Department utilizes a 4 ton hot mix asphalt recycler to fill potholes throughout town. Depending on weather, we typically fill potholes at least once a week during the winter.
The best way to report a pothole is to go to the Street Department section of the City of Hannibal website and submit a pothole repair request. In addition, you may also call the DPW Office at 573-221-0111.
Thank you to the community for your support and assistance!
Pothole Reporting
01/20 @ 8:00 am - 03/31 @ 5:00 pm