City Clerk's Office
The City Clerk's Office serves as the "main hub" of the City. There are many facets of this department to assist in providing for your needs. The staff is comprised of Melissa Cogdal (City Clerk), Candy Golian (Deputy City Clerk), and Britta Dooley (Office Manager).
The City Clerk reports directly to the Mayor and City Council. She is the official custodian of records for the City, responsible for recording all meeting minutes, maintaining all official records and documents, publication of required notices and publications, preparing and maintaining meeting agendas, and drafting legislation.
The City Clerk's Office coordinates candidate filings and the certification of matters related to all municipal elections.
This office is responsible for maintaining all employee personnel records, payroll, human resources, benefits administration, enrollment of new employees, and overseeing the City's self-insured insurance program and pension funds. This department also handles new and renewing business and contractor licenses for the city.
To reach the City Clerk's office, please contact City Hall during normal business hours at 573-221-0111. You can also use the online form below to submit your concern or question.
Finance Department
The Finance Director, Bianca Quinn, is responsible for overseeing, operating, and maintaining the city’s financial system. They also work through the Accounts, Records, and Payroll Department. The Finance Director is responsible for developing and implementing financial policies and controls, and assuring compliance.
The Finance Director reports directly to the city manager and coordinates financial matters with, and amongst all departments. The Finance Director is responsible for preparing the annual budget for presentation to the city manager. The Finance Director is responsible for monitoring and reporting financial status, funds management, investments, accounts payable, debt service management, and coordinating the annual audit.
Council Requests
In order to secure your request for the next City Council Agenda, forms for these requests need to be properly completed and submitted for review.
Please mail to the address below: